Tag: #inclusion

Week 10 Reflection

colored pencil lined up on top of white surface

Today’s class started off by debriefing and sharing our thoughts about last weeks EdCamp.

After listening to each other’s experiences, we transitioned into our week 10 topic which is Inclusive Education Assistive Technologies. Linked here is a blog post one of my instructors created on this topic for lots of additional information.

To lead us through this topic, we had the pleasure of listening to Tracy Humphreys talk with us about her experiences. Tracy is the founder and chair of BCEdAccess. This started as a private group of Facebook and is completely volunteer run. The purpose of BCEdAccess is to serve the families of students with disabilities and complex learners all over the province of BC.

Tracy started off by telling us what her group hears from parents. These include:

  • Denial of tech – can’t get FM systems, won’t allow students to use AAC
  • Tech is always outdated
  • Access to tech is hard and still problematic
  • There’s no central keeper of knowledge around tech at a school or in the district, usually. 
  • There’s no supports to learn how to use the tech for parents, especially a bigger issue now with COVID but always important

Tracy shared her own personal story about her son’s struggles and mentioned how difficult it is for family’s to access support. She talked about how parents always try to advocate for their children, but it’s hard to do that if you don’t know everything going on with their child.

She then talked about the things we can do to assist a student’s needs?

  1. Read IEP
  2. Ask family
  3. Ask student
  4. What do you have available? What can you get? What will you need to advocate for?


Photo by Jess Bailey on UnSplash.com

Week 5 Reflection

Today’s topic of discussion in class was about Modality in Education. We talked about the different modes of instruction, which include:

  • Synchronous Face to Face
  • Synchronous online 
  • Blended synchronous
  • Asynchronous
  • Blended

Synchronous learning, if you are unsure of the term, is learning that is done live and at the same time. This can incorporate whole group time, breakout groups during class, and 1-1 connections. 

Asynchronous learning is not learning at the same time. Examples of this include emails, backchannels such as Mattermost, learner blogs, and Trello. 

We are currently experiencing different modes of learning in our EDCI 336 class by having 1 hour of synchronous class time on zoom, followed by 1 hour of synchronous decentralized pods, and then 1 hour of asynchronous learning. 

I think it’s extremely important for classes and schools to offer student choice with different modalities of learning. This would accommodate for different students’ needs and accessibility problems. Ultimately, everyone should be included and schools should have flexible designs with learning modalities. 


Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

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